July 2011

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I just released version 0.4.2 of my Comment E-Mail Verification WordPress plugin. Most important change: verification codes are no longer being generated (and thus no longer cluttering up the database) for trackbacks and pingbacks. Thanks to Joost de Valk who contributed a few lines of code that ultimately took this important aspect off my todo-list.

As always: Download it directly from the wordpress.org plugin directory!

So I’ve been playing around with Google+ for a little. And then +Lars Becker actually made me “Send feedback” to Google… seems that they have a little problem with their privacy settings:

If you hide who’s in your circles from your profile page, but then post something to a circle, people can click on the word “Limited” above your post and see a list of people who you’ve shared this post with, i.e. a list of the people who are in your circle(s).

If you’re on Google+ please click the “Send feedback” in the bottom right corner and let Google know so they can fix this ASAP!

If you want to add me to your circles, here’s my profile: +Martin Lormes (get used to the “+”!)

BTW: +Lars Becker also made the point that given enough posts to varying audiences one could even find out who’s in what circle (except for the names of circles, but the groups will be self-explaining I guess).