You are currently browsing the monthly archive for August 2009.
Syntax Highlighting on this blog is brought to you by – I’m using the “old” 1.5.1 version on purpose: it allows you to copy the code to your clipboard without using the flash code… unlike the new version where you end up selecting the line numbers as well. Update: I’ve shifted to the SyntaxHighlighter Evolved WordPress plugin by Viper007Bond.
I was in need of a PHP class to encrypt hash and verify passwords using salted sha1 hashes. Here it is, quick but not too dirty:
<?php class SSHA { public static function newSalt() { return chr(rand(0,255)).chr(rand(0,255)).chr(rand(0,255)).chr(rand(0,255)).chr(rand(0,255)).chr(rand(0,255)).chr(rand(0,255)).chr(rand(0,255)); } public static function hash($pass,$salt) { return '{SSHA}'.base64_encode(sha1($pass.$salt,true).$salt); } public static function getSalt($hash) { return substr(base64_decode(substr($hash,6)),20); } public static function newHash($pass) { return self::hash($pass,self::newSalt()); } public static function verifyPassword($pass,$hash) { return $hash == self::hash($pass,self::getSalt($hash)); } }
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